Israeli forces abducted, on Wednesday, fifteen Palestinians, after shooting one, in the governorates of Tulkarem and Qalqilia, in the northwestern part of the West Bank.

On Wednesday afternoon, occupation forces invaded the suburb of Khirbet at-Tayyah, southeast of Tulkarem city in the northwestern part of the occupied West Bank.

Media sources said that a large army force stormed the suburb, besieged the Qozah family home, while sharpshooters were deployed on the rooftops of. nearby homes.

After surrounding the home, soldiers opened fire towards a Palestinian young man identified as Ammar Abdel Qader Abdel Rahim Nasrallah, shooting him in the foot with live rounds, before abducting him.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) said that the army blocked ambulance crews from approaching the besieged home despite having reports of injuries; the young man’s condition was not known at the time of writing this report.

Later, the army invaded, on Wednesday night, several areas in the Tulkarem governorate, including Anabta and Kafr al-Labad, east of the city, in addition to Far’un to the south.

Media sources said that military jeeps stormed the towns of Anabta and Kafr al-Labad, which sparked protests among local Palestinian youths, while soldiers fired many live rounds; no injuries were reported.

In the village of Fa’run, the military vehicles drove through the streets while soldiers opened fire with concussion grenades; no injuries were reported.

Meanwhile, in the morning, Israeli troops invaded the homes of Laith Abdel Rahman Ali, 22, and Khaled Murad Eshteiwi, 19, in the village of Kufur Qaddoum, east of Qalqilia in the northwestern part of the West Bank, before abducting them.

At midnight Wednesday/Thursday, Israeli forces stormed the city of Qalqilia, and several towns and villages in the governorate, in the northwestern part of the West Bank, abducting at least thirteen citizens, including a woman.

Media sources reported that a large army force invaded the city of Qalqilia from its eastern entrance, before soldiers broke into and ransacked many citizens’ homes.

Soldiers abducted seven citizens, including a woman; they were identified as Ashraf Jibril, Abdel Nasser Al-Rabi, Mahmoud Khadrah, Ibrahim Al-Baz, Moatasem Al-Baz, Ziad Daoud, and his wife, Bahjat Yamin.

In the town of Azzun, east of the city, soldiers abducted three young men identified as Hamad Al-Tabib, Wahbi Al-Khouli, and Alaa Musab Dharar.

After invading many citizens’ homes in the town of Kafr Thulth, southeast of Qalqilia, soldiers abducted Ayman al-Zaher and Adham al-Rafiq.

It was added that occupation forces stormed many homes and roamed neighborhoods in the villages of Kafr Laqif and Sanniriya, east and southeast of the city, in addition to the town of Hableh to the south.